4 replies
Feb '20

max_power_ifb Imported from Blogger

Thanks for this thorough analysis, Tudor. EDA compiler turnaround times are a real pain. I will watch out for the points you mentioned.

Related to this, if you have a large package containing a couple of hundred tests, you can shorten compile time for debug runs if you only compile the one test at hand. We once did this by using a macro to selectively include a test in the package.

1 reply
Feb '20 ▶ max_power_ifb

TudorTimi Verification Gentleman

Selective includes become more complicated if you have tests that rely on other tests: test_a, test_a_with_x_constraints, test_a_with_x_constraints_and_y_constraints. To be able to run the most specialized test, you’d need to compile all there.

Jun '21

random_rambam_ifb Imported from Blogger

Hi Tudor,

What is your take on packages improving simulation performance. I don’t think it is true, but I keep hearing about it, but do not see any data to back it up.


1 reply
Oct '21 ▶ random_rambam_ifb

TudorTimi Verification Gentleman

Sounds strange. I’d expect similar performance, regardless of how the code is structure compile-wise.