innovative_brat_ifb Imported from Blogger
Hi Timi,
I’ve read your many posts in lots of forum like verification academy etc.,
I’ve learned many things from your replies for people’s queries. Thanks a lot for your effort to help lots of beginners.
I’ve a query regarding writing constraint for AXI master address generation for below condition, it would be great if you give your comments!!!
- Address should be size aligned for any transefer
- Address should be Quad Word aligned if Data length is (<=) less than or equal to 2 Double
Word (DW means 4 bytes here). - And it should satisfy the below expression,
Address[1:0] + (length * (2burst_size)) <= 1 DW —(for one DW transfer)
Address[2:0] + (length * (2burst_size)) <= 2 DW —(for <= 2DW transfer)
Please guide me to write constraints for these.!!