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Hi Tudor
what should be “T” in this
class corner_case_mixin #(type T) extends T; ??
my guess: uvm_sequence_item
M I correct?
1 replyHi Tudor
what should be “T” in this
class corner_case_mixin #(type T) extends T; ??
my guess: uvm_sequence_item
M I correct?
1 replyHi Tudor,
Thanks for this wonderful blog showing us how to use multiple inheritance in verification.
I have one question which method is better to use
Also please let me know if there is some more applications of multiple inheritance in verification.
1 replyT is going to be given a value the moment you parameterize the mixin (i.e. apply it on a class). T can be of any type as long as this type contains fields referenced by the mixin. For example, the corner_case_mixin references mode, privilege, etc. It can therefore work with vgm_ahb_item and any of its subclasses.
I intentionally left T without a default value to have the user explicitly choose one.
I’d say that having all of the constraints in one big class would lead to maintenance hell. You’re going to need to disable/enable the constraints every time and that’s going to mean a lot of procedural code. I don’t think “multiple inheritance” is more difficult to debug (seeing as how we implement it here it’s anyway using single inheritance). The inheritance tree is maybe a bit more complicated, but you can’t get something for nothing.
As to where else this is applicable, I can’t really say for sure. I remember having strained my brain in coming up with a scenario where this is useful. I found the implementation of TLM ports is a good example. As to other uses, we’ll just have to wait and see.
thank you very much!!! I really appreciate this idea of using a “mixin” to manage the sequence_item constraints for sequences.
Have you had any tweaks or realizations on method since you posted this? I would like to start implementing this, but am weary of doing something too “foreign” to others and creating a methodology shift if it has some other drawbacks. So, do you have any further info since?
Again, thanks! We all need to get more practical sw training as verification engineers.
I have one small tweak. I define mixins as abstract classes and, in the context of UVM classes, don’t do any kind of factory registration stuff in there (it anyway doesn’t work for ‘virtual’ classes:
virtual class some_mixin #(type T) extends T;
// … constraints
// … constructor
This forces users to declare a new class to layer the required mixins. The advantage is that you end up with reasonable type names:
class some_class extends some_mixin #(some_base_class);
I doesn’t limit, but it’s kind of awkward to use.
In the meantime, I settled on this: Favor Composition Over Inheritance - Even for Constraints | Verification Gentleman Blog. There’s a section there which talks about why I don’t use mixins for constraints anymore.
Oh right, you can use as many # as you’d like.
About the link you provided, the link to the paper : http://events.dvcon.org/2015/proceedings/papers/04P_11.pdf
doesn’t work for me. Do you have it saved? If so, can you please upload it?
Another question - Is the theoretic or do you actually use this pattern in your day to day?
1 replyThat was a link to the paper you mentioned. They moved the proceedings to SystemVerilog Constraint Layering via Reusable Randomization Policy Classes – DVCon Proceedings Archive. I’ll update the link.
We built a lot of infrastructure around constraint objects, global constraints and dynamic test creation, as outlined in Creating UVM Tests Dynamically | Verification Gentleman Blog, which we use productively.