8 replies
Apr '16

unknown_ifb Imported from Blogger

Hi Tudor. I discovered you’re blog recently and it’s been very helpful for me. Thanks and please keep up the good work.
After this formal introduction … I also have a question:
Do you know if there’s a way to connect SystemVerilog with other languages besides C ?
I’ve accesed, in the past, C-models (acting as the Golden Model for my DUT) from my Scoreboard. I was wandering if such Golden/Reference Models written in other languages, like Python, could be accessed from a SystemVerilog testbench.

2 replies
Apr '16 ▶ unknown_ifb

TudorTimi Verification Gentleman

I’ve seen some code that interfaced with Python via the DPI, but it had to go via C to do it: SV → C → Python. Basically you’d need to define a C wrapper for your Python (which you could do via SWIG) and import the C functions inside your SV code.

Apr '16

unknown_ifb Imported from Blogger

That’s what I’m doing at the moment. I was hoping to find a method to skip the C wrapper.

Apr '16

hevangel_ifb Imported from Blogger

Reflection API is the one thing I really miss after I switch from Specman to SV.

May '16

TudorTimi Verification Gentleman

Apparently, the reason I didn’t have to wrap ‘vpi_handle’ inside the C code and import the wrapper was because I wasn’t using it in my code. Once I tried calling it, the simulator complained that it couldn’t find it. It seems like I need to wrap all C function I’m using.

Sep '16

raku_ifb Imported from Blogger

Thanks Tudor , Very nice article.

Like i dont get when to use VPI/DPI in my project. I always think of using VPI/DPI but cant think of any scenarios. Can you tell some scenarios where we can use VPI/DPI or is it helpful for Ex: some checker implementation. etc.
I know using VPI we can get HDL paths apart from this if you can tell me some interesting scenarios where i can use VPI it will be very helpful.


Oct '16 ▶ unknown_ifb

h2dkb_ifb Imported from Blogger

There’s cocotb (Welcome to cocotb’s documentation! — cocotb 1.7.0.dev0 documentation) or myhdl (http://www.myhdl.org/)

May '17

antigrav_kids_ifb Imported from Blogger

Awesome article. Just this morning I was reflecting on what I could do with UVM testbench unit testing.