5 replies
Aug '16

unknown_ifb Imported from Blogger

In the transaction you wtote some properties, and thaen “…” do we have to add more properties?

2 replies
Aug '16

unknown_ifb Imported from Blogger

What is `SVTEST?

1 reply
Aug '16 ▶ unknown_ifb

TudorTimi Verification Gentleman

They’re from SVUnit, a unit testing library for SystemVerilog. Since this is a post about unit testing, I have to assume some prior knowledge from the readers.

You can find a tutorial here: SVUnit Getting Started | AgileSoC

Aug '16 ▶ unknown_ifb

TudorTimi Verification Gentleman

The “…” are placeholders for stuff like constructor, UVM factory registration macros and field automation macros. I don’t generally put them in code snippets to keep them short and to the point.

The sequence item defined in this post is very bare-bones and only covers writes. A full AXI item would need more variables.

Aug '16 ▶ unknown_ifb

unknown_ifb Imported from Blogger

What about all the other signals (for example ARBURST,ARLOCK,ARCACHE,ARPROT,ARQOS,ARREGION)? There are many more signal according the specification of AXI4. Shouldn’t they also appear in the interface?
In addition, shouldn’t you add more properties in the transaction like the size of transaction (the size each transfer in the burst)?