Assertion Testvector

I’m trying to understand assertion and made one simple example to test my assertion as the below

module asertion_ex;
  bit clk,a,b;

  always #5 clk = ~clk; //clock generation

  //generating 'a'
  initial begin
        a=1; b=1;
    #15 a=0; b=0;
    #10 a=1; b=0;
    #10 a=0; b=0;
    #10 a=1; b=1;

 a0:assert property
    (@(posedge clk) a |-> ##1 !b ##1 b ##1 !b);

//  //calling assert property
//  a_1: assert property(p);
  //wave dump
  initial begin


But I got failed

  (@(posedge clk) a |-> ##1 !b ##1 b ##1 !b);
xmsim: *E,ASRTST (./,17): (time 15 NS) Assertion asertion_ex.a0 has failed (2 cycles, starting 5 NS)
    (@(posedge clk) a |-> ##1 !b ##1 b ##1 !b);
xmsim: *E,ASRTST (./,17): (time 35 NS) Assertion asertion_ex.a0 has failed (3 cycles, starting 15 NS)
Simulation complete via $finish(1) at time 55 NS + 0

I can’t understand why 5ns, 15ns has failed. This is Tool issue or Do I miss something?

The assigns can race with the clock. Try doing @(posedge clk) instead of #10.

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Thanks Timi
As your recommend, I found what is the problem.